- gilt-edged stock
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Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
gilt-edged stock — /ˌgɪlt edʒd stɒk/ noun same as government bonds … Dictionary of banking and finance
Gilt-Edged Switching — The selling and repurchasing of certain high grade stocks or bonds to capture profits. Gilt edged switching involves gilt edged security, which can be high grade stock or bond issued by a financially stable company such as the Blue Chip companies … Investment dictionary
gilt-edged security — British and Irish government securities. blue chip. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A fixed interest bond or security issued by the British Government. However, from a corporate perspective, when applied to bonds, the term gilt edged is the… … Financial and business terms
Gilt-Edged Securities — High grade bonds that are issued by a government or firm. This type of security originally boasted gilded edges, thus the name. In the case of a firm, a gilt edged security is a stock or bond issued by a company that has a strong record of… … Investment dictionary
gilt-edged securities — British and Irish government securities. blue chip. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Gilts or Gilt Edged Securities Debt securities issued on behalf of the Government. London Stock Exchange Glossary * * * gilt edged securities UK US noun [plural]… … Financial and business terms
gilt-edged security — A fixed interest bond or security issued by the British Government. However, from a corporate perspective, when applied to bonds, the term gilt edged is the equivalent of describing a stock as a blue chip. Both terms mean that the issuing… … Euroclear glossary
gilt-edged security — gilt A fixed interest security or stock issued by the British government in the form of Exchequer stocks or Treasury stocks. Gilts are among the safest of all investments, as the government is unlikely to default on interest or on principal… … Accounting dictionary
gilt-edged security — gilt A fixed interest security or stock issued by the British government in the form of Exchequer stocks or Treasury stocks. Gilts are among the safest of all investments, as the government is unlikely to default on interest or on principal… … Big dictionary of business and management
gilt-edged securities — /ˌgɪlt edʒd sɪ kjυərɪtiz/ plural noun investments in British government stock … Dictionary of banking and finance
stock — physical items ( inventory) that a business uses in its production process or has for sale in the ordinary course of doing business. Glossary of Business Terms Ownership of a corporation indicated by shares, which represent a piece of the… … Financial and business terms
Stock — Ownership of a corporation which is represented by shares which represent a piece of the corporation s assets and earnings. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. stock stock 1 [stɒk ǁ stɑːk] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] especially… … Financial and business terms